You are currently viewing Mondly – The Most well-rounded and affordable language app in 2024?

Mondly – The Most well-rounded and affordable language app in 2024?


Mondly, launched at the end of 2013, quickly emerged as a cutting-edge language learning platform. Its innovative use of technology, including AR and VR, offers learners an engaging and interactive experience that simulates real-life conversations. The platform’s gamified approach, coupled with advanced speech recognition, makes language acquisition both fun and effective. Mondly’s commitment to making language learning accessible to everyone has made it a favourite among users worldwide. As we embrace the digital age, Mondly continues to revolutionise the way we learn languages, ever since its inception nearly a decade ago.

Key Features

  • Over 1000 Language Combinations: Learn in your native language to maximise comprehension and retention.
  • Bite-Sized Language Lessons: Designed for common real-life situations to facilitate practical language skills.
  • Smart Vocabulary Builders: Innovative tools to help you memorise new words and phrases quickly.
  • Real Conversations: Engage with fluent speakers’ dialogues to enhance real-world conversational abilities.
  • Grammar Features & Conjugation Tables: Simplify the path to fluency with structured grammatical guidance.
  • Daily Lessons: Quick, daily exercises to steadily progress and build language confidence.
  • Multi-Device Accessibility: Seamless learning experience across web, Android, and iOS platforms.
  • Profession-Specific Content: Tailored lessons to suit various professional fields and vocabularies.
  • Three Proficiency Levels: Catering to beginners, intermediates, and advanced learners for a customised learning journey.

Augmented Reality (AR) Features: Mondly’s AR feature transforms your environment into a dynamic classroom. Using your phone as a lens, you can bring virtual creations into your space, making learning interactive and fun. You can:

  • Interact with life-sized animals and objects in your room.
  • Engage in realistic conversations with a virtual language learning assistant1.
  • Use the entire world as your classroom, exploring and discovering as you learn.
  • Enjoy gamified learning experiences, like petting a cat to hear it meow or tapping a guitar to play a song1.

Virtual Reality (VR) Features: Mondly VR offers an immersive language learning experience that allows you to practise conversations in realistic scenarios. With Mondly VR, you can:

  • Travel the world virtually and engage in conversations in various settings, like hotels or restaurants.
  • Receive instant feedback on pronunciation, helping you speak with confidence2.
  • Experience innovative and fun language learning from the comfort of your couch2.
  • Access over 500 lessons organised into 55 topics, including Daily Lessons, Weekly Quizzes, and Monthly Challenges.

These features leverage the latest in AR and VR technology to provide a unique and effective language learning experience.

Mondly Kids

Mondly Kids is a specialized app within the Mondly family, designed to make language learning fun and accessible for children. Here’s what sets Mondly Kids apart:


  • Engaging Content: Mondly Kids features a variety of gamified lessons that captivate children’s attention and make learning feel like play.
  • Educational Topics: The app covers popular topics such as animals, nature, food, family, and sports, which are familiar and interesting to children1.
  • Daily Lessons: Quick and consistent daily lessons encourage constant improvement and dedication to learning.
  • Interactive Exercises: With easy-to-use drag & drop functionality and multiple-choice exercises, children can learn through interactive play.
  • High-Quality Audio: Professional fluent speakers provide high-quality audio, aiding in pronunciation and listening skills.
  • Kid-Friendly Illustrations: The app is filled with child-friendly illustrations and sounds to enhance the learning experience.

Mondly Kids is not only a fun educational tool but also supports cognitive development, helping children to outperform in various academic areas. It’s a great way to build a foundation for their future, making language learning an enjoyable part of their daily routine.

Personal Experience

My experience with Mondly has been a journey of discovery and growth. The platform’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface made it easy to navigate and start learning immediately. The lessons, filled with practical vocabulary, were not only informative but also incredibly relevant, equipping me with phrases and words that I could use right away in conversations.


The gamified approach of Mondly was a standout feature that kept me engaged. Each lesson felt like a mini-game, where I earned points, unlocked new levels, and received instant feedback on my progress. The bite-sized nature of the lessons meant that I could fit language learning into my daily routine without it feeling overwhelming.


The chatbot feature was a game-changer, providing an interactive way to practice language skills. Through the chatbot, I engaged in natural conversations with virtual characters, which helped me improve my grammar and pronunciation. The chatbot also offered vocabulary quizzes and memory games, making the learning process fun and interactive.

The weekly quiz was another highlight, offering a comprehensive test of the skills I had learned throughout the week. Completing these quizzes gave me a sense of accomplishment and a clear measure of my progress.

The AR and VR features of Mondly provided an unparalleled immersive experience. With AR, I could have life-sized animals and objects appear in my room, turning my environment into a dynamic classroom. It was fascinating to interact with these virtual creations, which made learning both fun and memorable.

Mondly’s VR feature took immersion to the next level. I could practice conversations in realistic scenarios, such as making friends in Barcelona or ordering food in a German restaurant. The VR experience was not just educational but also incredibly entertaining, giving me the confidence to speak new languages in real life.


However, I did notice that while the app excels at teaching practical vocabulary, it could benefit from a stronger focus on grammar and advanced conversational skills. Despite this, the overall experience with Mondly was highly positive, and the app’s affordability and flexible subscription plans added to its appeal.

In conclusion, Mondly provided a comprehensive, fun, and engaging platform that catered to my learning pace and style. Whether mastering the basics or brushing up on language skills, Mondly’s innovative features, including the chatbot and weekly quizzes, made it a strong contender for anyone looking to learn a new language.


  • Affordability: Mondly is highly affordable, offering great value for money, especially when compared to other language programs.
  • Lesson Duration: The lessons are short (10-15 minutes), making them easy to fit into a busy schedule while still being engaging and informative.
  • Innovative Technology: The use of VR & AR apps is particularly innovative, providing a unique, immersive learning experience that sets Mondly apart from other language learning platforms.
  • Gamified Learning: The gamification of lessons makes learning a new language fun and motivating, with points and rewards to keep users engaged.
  • Practical Vocabulary: Mondly focuses on teaching vocabulary that is useful in real-life situations, which can be more beneficial than learning less practical words.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The platform covers all aspects of language learning, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing, making it a well-rounded tool.
  • Tailored Learning: Users can tailor their learning experience according to their personal goals and interests, which enhances the learning process.
  • User Experience: Mondly offers a polished interface that is user-friendly, contributing to a positive overall user experience.


  • Grammar and Speaking: There is less emphasis on grammar and speaking skills compared to other language learning apps, which might be a drawback for some learners.
  • Basic Lessons: The lessons tend to be basic and may not challenge those who are looking to advance into more complex language skills.
  • Starting Level: Users are required to start at the basic level, which can be frustrating for intermediate or advanced learners.
  • Bite-Sized Lessons: While the short lessons are convenient, they may not provide enough depth for those who prefer a more thorough approach to learning.
  • Advanced Learners: Mondly offers less for advanced learners, particularly those who want to focus on developing strong conversational skills.


  • Monthly Subscription: Access to one language for $9.99 per month.
  • Annual Subscription: One language for $47.99 per year or all 41 languages for $89.99.
  • Lifetime Access: One-time payment for lifetime access to all 41 languages.

Special Offers:

  • Discounts on annual subscriptions are frequently available.
  • Promotional rates may offer significant savings, especially for long-term commitments.

The pricing options are designed to accommodate different learning needs and budgets, making Mondly accessible to a wide range of learners.


When considering language learning platforms, Mondly is among several options available. Here are some alternatives that cater to various learning preferences:

  • Duolingo: Known for its game-like lessons, Duolingo offers a fun and casual way to learn languages for free.
  • Memrise: Combines memorization techniques and local speaker videos to boost real-world language skills.
  • Rosetta Stone: Focuses on immersive learning, perfect for those who prefer learning through context rather than translation.
  • Busuu: Offers personalized study plans and feedback from native speakers, ideal for serious learners aiming for fluency.
  • UneeBee: An open-source platform that allows for creating interactive courses, suitable for schools and companies.


Mondly’s comprehensive approach, combining traditional language learning methods with modern technology, makes it a versatile tool suitable for a wide range of learners. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to brush up on your skills, Mondly’s features are designed to accommodate and adapt to various learning styles and needs, for example;

  • Beginners: Mondly’s user-friendly interface and structured lessons provide a solid foundation for those new to language learning. The app’s focus on practical vocabulary and everyday phrases ensures that beginners can start using their new language skills quickly and effectively.
  • Busy Individuals: With lessons that only take 10-15 minutes to complete, Mondly is ideal for people who have limited time but still want to progress in learning a new language. The app’s flexibility allows learners to practice anytime, anywhere, fitting seamlessly into a busy lifestyle.
  • Tech-Savvy Learners: For those who are enthusiastic about technology, Mondly’s AR and VR features offer a cutting-edge way to learn. These immersive tools make language practice feel like an exciting exploration, appealing to learners who prefer interactive and innovative methods.
  • Visual Learners: Mondly’s use of visual cues, interactive dialogues, and AR/VR technologies caters to visual learners. This group will appreciate the app’s engaging imagery and the ability to visualize language concepts, which can enhance memory and understanding.
  • Budget-Conscious Students: Mondly provides a cost-effective solution for language learning without compromising on quality. Its affordable pricing plans ensure that even learners on a tight budget can access premium language education.

Hopefully this review gives you a better insight into what Mondly can offer you. If you did want to try them, use our coupon code below for 20% off to give yourself an extra discount to try them out.

20% of the first month (1 Language)

20% off the first year (1 Language)

Learn a new language from home - get Lifetime Access to Mondly with 95% OFF!

Enjoy the learning experience, I know we did!